Installment Option for payment, customize your fee receipts, and much more! Fee management has never been easier. Learn more here!

Installment Option for payment, customize your fee receipts, and much more! Fee management has never been easier. Learn more here!
Make admission easier with online Admission and also pay your application and Admission fee in online mode in just a click.
Manage your class, Notices, Assignment and other with less effort and highly informative way.
Attendance module app will generate a report for each event, showing who was present and who was absent. This information will be helpful to track Students attendance and to identify any students who may be struggling.
Provide an interface to see all the basic features like next class, Notices,latest homework and assignment and other basic information
To ease the process of informing the parents we have NOTICES Module. This provide the feature to add Notices based on selected class section and view